MISTY SPECTRUM.jpg (167790 bytes) 

 Photo 1: Kelley and Misterio at 1995 Spectrum show - Florida. Photo 2. Fernando and Misterio - Grand National Champion '99.

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Misterio has become THE standard for performance stallions. Many have tried to imitate this stallion, but he is the original! 

MISTERIO de BESILU         PFHA#12386      Bay Stallion      2/6/87    
El Duende (Delirio) X  Marquesa de Besilu (Chucuano 2x)
Beautiful horse with lightening-quick feet. Sire is 1989 Grand National Performance Champion. Dam is multi-national and international champion in Fino and Bellas Formas. A herd sire/winning show horse with FINO genes. THE original performance horse!
2001PFHA 3rd Grand National A/O  Performance Stallion; PFHA 4th National Champion A/O Performance Stallion; Southern Regional High Point Performance Stallion; Southern Regional High Point  A/O Performance Stallion.
2000: 2000 PFHA Reserve Grand Champion Performance A/O Stallion; 5th National Champion Performance A/O Stallion; Spectrum 2000 Grand Champion Performance A/O Stallion.
PFHA Grand National Champion A/O Performance Stallion; PFHA Reserve National Champion A/O Performance Stallion.
1998: PFHA 3rd Grand National Performance Amateur Owner Champion, PFHA Reserve National Champion Performance Amateur Owner Stallion. 
: Grand World Champion Performance Stallion, World Champion Performance Stallion, Confepaso '95. PFHA Reserve National Champion Performance Stallion, GA State Performance Champion, Reserve Grand Performance Champion - Spectrum '95 
Grand Performance Champion - Spectrum '95 
PFHA Reserve National Champion Performance Stallion, PFHA 3rd Grand National Performance Champion, Performance Grand Champion - Spectrum '93, GA High Point Stallion.
  1992: PFHA National Champion Performance Stallions, PFHA 3rd Grand National Performance Champion, GA State Performance Champion, GA PFHA High Point Horse, GA PFHA High Point Performance Horse, GA PFHA High Point Stallion, GA PFHA High Point Performance Stallion, T.O.P.
PFHA Reserve Grand National Performance Champion, PFHA National Champion Performance Schooling Colt (42-60 mo.), Gulf PFHA High Point Performance Colt (42-60 mo.), GA PFHA High Point Performance Schooling Colt 
1990: PFHA 3rd National Champion Performance Schooling Colt (42-60 mo.), GA High Point Performance Schooling Colt, GA PFHA High Point Colt.
Click here for Breeding Contract for Misterio de Besilu.
PRICE: Please Inquire.
STUD FEE: $1,000.00 LFG. Semen Shipped.

El Duende
La Medalla
Misterio de Besilu
La Marquesa de Besilu
Pubenza I

Barbara Cox Baragaņo & Kelley Cox
Fernando Baragaņo - Agent in Puerto Rico 787-396-8181
Arturo Gonzalez, Trainer
800 NE 105 Lane
Anthony, FL 32617

barn & fax (352) 690-7474
house & fax (352) 690-7454

Click here for Winning Colors Paso Finos Sales List
Click here for New Arrival Site
Click here for Stallions Standing at Stud

NOTICE: All information presented on these pages is to our best knowledge and information provided.
Prices, information, and availability subject to change without notice.
We urge potential buyers to see horses in person before purchase.